Kostas Ferles

About Me
I am the Chief Research Officer at Veridise, Inc, where our goal is to harden blockchain security with formal methods.
I received my Ph.D. from the University of Texas, Austin (UT Austin) in December 2020. After graduating, I extended my stay at UT Austin for a brief postdoc position (until May of 2021). All my years at UT, I was working under the supervision of Işıl Dillig and was a member of the UToPiA group. Prior to UT Austin, I received my B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees (both in C.S.) from the University of Athens, Greece. During my master’s, I was working as a research assistant under the supervision of Yannis Smaragdakis.
Research Interests
The goal of my research is to aid developers in writing correct and efficient code by using a combination of program analysis and program synthesis techniques. You can find a complete list of my publications here.
Jun 13, 2023 | Happy to announce that I was promoted Chief Research Officer at Veridise. |
Jan 10, 2023 | I will be serving as the Web Co-chair of POPL’24. |
Jun 15, 2022 | I will be serving as an external reviewer for papers and artifacts at OOPSLA’23 |
Jun 1, 2022 | I joined Veridise as a Principle Scientist. |
Selected Publications
A complete list of publications can be found here.-
OOPSLA’22Synthesizing Fine-Grained Synchronization Protocols for Implicit Monitors.In Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages & Applications 2022
POPL’21Verifying correct usage of context-free API protocols.In Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages 2021
Oakland’21SmartPulse: Automated Checking of Temporal Properties in Smart ContractsIn IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 2021
VSTTE’19Formal verification of workflow policies for smart contracts in azure blockchainIn Working Conference on Verified Software: Theories, Tools, and Experiments 2019
PLDI’18Symbolic reasoning for automatic signal placementIn Programming Language Design and Implementation 2018